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Tuesday 15 October 2013

Storing calories

Eating too much at dinner at night, your body uses less energy, storing calories as fat with Truth about cellulite scam by Joey Atlas Red meat, sugar, fats, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages, damage the skin and increase the speed of aging due to toxins.

The refrigerant is a major enemy for those looking to escape cellulite because they increase the speed of aging due to toxins. Salt / sodium is also touted as a "poison" for cellulite, because the salt helps the body retain fluid. Thus, affect the circulation, which is very involved in the process of cellulite - a problem circulatory and inflammatory. Prefer: Meals rich in raw vegetables Making a larger number of meals small amount. Eat more at breakfast and lunch and less at dinner. During the day your body will consume more energy, expending more calories.

Drinking plenty of water, 2-3 liters per day, improving their dieresis Breads, pastas and grains: they are rich in fiber and help your intestines to function better. The care of the aesthetics begins with careful inside our body, closely related to adequate food. REMEMBER: Obesity also worsens cellulite is a risk to your health. And, cellulite should also be seen in the aspect of health because it is a fat deposit, impairing venous return, causing many people to feel tired with difficulty even to walk in more severe degrees. The post published has the express permission of the author; all content is exposed to responsibility with Truth about cellulite scam by Joey Atlas

For more about cellulite

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