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Monday 21 October 2013

- The shooting which will say goodbye to cellulite before summer

Finally with insecurity about your body. You with the right moves to get out on the beach free of annoying cellulite. Besides, it is in your hand. You may have extra pounds, but some wrong lifestyle choices, leave their marks on the signs. followed the diet menu two weeks and won your confidence back.

The Clinic dietitian nutritionist explains: "The creation of cellulite is independent of obesity, which can occur in lean individuals. most important reasons that cause the erratic diet, fatty foods, sedentary life, excessive stress, poor blood circulation, decreased activity of the lymphatic system, and hormonal disorders. " Signs relaxation even in the hands or stomach and abdomen may be due to cellulite .

Cellulite occurs in almost the entire body, most common points: - thighs - thighs - inner arms - stomach - belly - calves Make click on the cards with two weekly menu to see exactly what is included in the diet to combat cellulite. "Proper selection of nutrients must be our first concern to have a beautiful shapely body without flaws, cellulite and sagging" notes Georgia KAPOLI edited a special diet designed to dissolve fat cells that cause the unsightly image thighs and elsewhere. If you want to save both weeks' on your computer, print them and get them in your fridge click here . What is it that I'm not right? H Cellulite is a combination of many things. Ie if you go back to your house and "melt" the couch without having any physical activity, then if you choose foods rich in fats or foods that contribute to fluid retention in the body.

The Clinical Dietitian Nutritionist Georgia KAPOLI gives you tips for being sure "war" in an appropriate manner cellulite: - Reduced consumption of common salt and salt-rich foods such as canned, salted, crisps, ready meals type of fast-food and salt promotes water retention. - Limited consumption of alcoholic drinks and an excess of alcohol in the body increase lipogenesis. - Careful to reduced consumption of foods rich in saturated fat, such as red meat, sweets, fried foods, animal butter, full-fat dairy products. - Reduced intake of foods rich sugar: candies, pastries, cakes, croissants, etc.

Unfortunately, the hidden sugars found in many foods bread, canned foods, sauces, wines, yogurts, even in foods that do not theoretically contain sugar - Plenty of fruit and vegetables which are rich in fiber, which reduce fat storage. - Increased fluid intake (water, green tea, juice, milk) is recommended in addition to a cellulite and facilitates the metabolism of foods to avoid excess fat storage, intensifies elimination waste products (toxins).

Increased intake of foods rich in nutrients that inhibit the appearance cellulite as: EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (dosoexanoiko acid), GLA (gamma-linolenic acid), vitamin E, folate, Vitamin B6, flavonoids: salmon, nuts, seeds, olive oil, seafood, green leafy vegetables, green tea, cocoa, whole grains, semi-skimmed milk. - Physical exercise can help to prevent and combat the problem of cellulite since improves circulation and lymphatic and venous drainage of the tissues and also helps to burn and remove local fat as well as maintain normal weight.

For more articles on cellulite, please read this article

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