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Monday, 21 October 2013

How to banish the cellulite? What is a food combining diet?

Is there an effective diet you heard from your friend? Can get rid of the cellulite on the buttocks; Which diet plan will help you lose weight without exanltitheis? team of dietitians Dimitri Grigoraki undertakes to provide the answer to your every question . Question Hello.

My name is Sunday and I'm 24 years. In the past I was obese and with the help of a nutritionist I lost 50 pounds. I height 1.60 meters and I managed to get about 59 pounds. My problem is that lately I have panic Bulimia and I then sweet. I've gotten four pounds and I fear xanapachyno.

I have made much effort to get here and now I do not know what to do to lose those pounds you got four, but still manage to stabilize my weight at last. I have started and gym. Please tell me your opinion. Sunday ANSWER Dear Sunday, do not you clarify on how much time I lost 50 pounds and what program did you follow to lose it. In accordance, therefore, with a body mass index sou (BMI = 63 kg / (1,60) * (1,60) m2 = 24,6 kg / m2), this time your weight range at normal levels.

Crises bulimia you do have to do with your emotional state? If yes, then you definitely need to consult psychologists. On the other hand, does the craving for your sweet due to the deprivation of your body than for a long time? Should in any case consult specialist dietician - nutritionist to learn to eat properly and do not influence your body weight.

For more articles on cellulite, please read this article

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