If you have flat feet?
What to do? (I.)
Surely you've seen on our website the entire series of articles on the miraculous human body, which are closer to the shoulder joint in seven parts (see the latest here).
We would like to freely engage with the problems of the foot area, which will address today's article my colleague Vera.
Why foot and flat foot?
But it's so unimportant, the final parts of the human body, to which many of us do not even reach (well, on purpose, sitting with his legs and try to touch the toes).
What do I care for her?
Whether used, since it is.
Stepping over her
But it's really not. Like any other part of the body, as well as leg you should care about it more, I was ready then you can hit powerfully back pain, headaches, etc
It carries your whole body moves you, whatever you need, perceived, has an incredible amount of receptors...